<p>Cold War Prague. As Katka learns to navigate her way through the world, resolved to barge ahead in a series of crazy-kid adventures, she only echoes the wild, discordant, and often hilarious vibe of her family. Existential issues fight for their spotlight with everyday realities of a dysfunctional socialist regime.</p> <p>Out of sight, the adults in her life commit clandestine adventures of their own. Their life vibrates with explosive energy next to the double-speak of work and school, where synthetic rum lubricate the wheels of society, and where banned books change hands on the sly.</p> <p>If you're up for a story of resilience and hope that, despite all odds, echoes through time from the 1970's Czechoslovakia, settle down for an unexpected and often hilarious read that tugs on the heartstrings.</p> <p>This collection precedes the already-published stories of escape and immigration in the "Cancelled Czech Files: On The Run" volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 556円